이상형 계산기

by Mozzet Co.Ltd.



It is an ideal calculator to enjoy when you are bored.► Koreas accepted ideal calculatorIdeal type calculator recognized by 200 people.Have you tried it yet?How many people are there in Korea with my ideal conditions?Age, height, smoking, drinking, salaryPlease put all my ideal I will measure how many of my ideal types are in Korea.► Do I have high snow or low snow?Please check how many of my ideal types are objectively free, many of them freeJust check the ideal conditions you think. Well do the calculations.※ This app does not collect or store any information related to personal information.------Ideal calculatorDeveloped:Customer Center: [email protected] Calculator Developer Address:APEX Tower 13F, 705-25 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul